# see_leaderboard_bot Please set your configuration options in `config.json`. Copy `config.example.json` and make it config.json and replace everything. Add minecraft's font as `minecraft.otf`. Run index.ts (also `bun i`). Write ".lb" in chat and it'll show you the leaderboard. This is made for BACAP's "bac_advancements" leaderboard. Just change all mentions of "Advancements" or "bac_advancements" and you'll have a solution. This app uses the whitelist to get every player that's playing. If you have a better idea, contact me with my socials from [sad.ovh](https://sad.ovh). You can also modify the AdvancementAPI to make it work differently. To your choosing. This project was created using `bun init` in bun v1.1.13. [Bun](https://bun.sh) is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.