// custom rules (() => { const pv = window.PvInternals; if(pv.services_client) { console.log("pv.me has loaded correctly") } //#region custom modal class PvmeRulesModal extends pv.components_pv_popup_pv_popup { constructor() { super(); this.message = "yo" this.innerHTML = `
pianoverse.me rules are very simple.
  • Don't be annoying
  • Don't be racist
  • Do not argue punishments
That's it! :)
`; } } customElements.define("pvme-rules-modal", PvmeRulesModal); pv.Modal.RULES = "pvme-rules-modal"; //#endregion custom modal //#region break PopupMananger so it takes our new popup into account pv.PopupManager.open = (e, ...t) => { let i; if (i = document.querySelector(e), i && !i.querySelector("dialog").hasAttribute("closing")) return i.close(), i; switch (e) { case pv.Modal.BAN: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_ban_pv_ban; break; case pv.Modal.PROFILE: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_profile_pv_profile; break; case pv.Modal.SETTINGS: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_settings_pv_settings; break; case pv.Modal.MESSAGE: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_message_pv_message; break; case pv.Modal.NEW_ROOM: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_new_room_pv_new_room; break; case pv.Modal.NEW_ROOM: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_new_room_pv_new_room; break; case pv.Modal.RULES: i = new PvmeRulesModal; break; case pv.Dialog.ROOMS: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_rooms_pv_rooms; break; case pv.Dialog.ACTIONS: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_actions_pv_actions; break; case pv.Dialog.DEVICES: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_devices_pv_devices; break; case pv.Dialog.SOUNDS: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_sounds_pv_sounds; break; case pv.Dialog.TRANSPOSE: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_transpose_pv_transpose; break; case pv.Dialog.VELOCITY: i = new pv.components_popups_pv_velocity_pv_velocity; break; default: throw new Error(`Popup ${e} not found`) } return i && (document.body.append(i), i.open(...t)), i } //#endregion //#region pvme rules class PvmeRules extends HTMLElement {} customElements.define("pvme-rules", PvmeRules); let g = document.querySelector("body > pv-header > div.left"); { let a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "divider"; a.style.marginLeft = "20px"; g.appendChild(a); } { let a = document.createElement("pvme-rules"); a.innerHTML = `
`; a.addEventListener("click", () => { pv.PopupManager.open(pv.Modal.RULES, null, "Rules.\nDon't be annoying.\n\nThat's it."); }) g.appendChild(a); } //#endregion pvme rules })();