diff --git a/extra.js b/extra.js
index 5315b8a..5482799 100644
--- a/extra.js
+++ b/extra.js
@@ -232,46 +232,21 @@
     let chatComponent = document.querySelector("pv-chat");
-    chatComponent.supercharge = (t) => {
-        let result = "";
-        for (let word of t.content.split(" ")) {
-            const hyperlinkMatch = word.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s@"'\$\{\}\\]{2,}/);
-            if (word.startsWith("@") && word.length > 2 && word.length <= 24) {
-                word = `<span class="mention">${escapeHtml(word)}</span>`;
-            } else if (hyperlinkMatch) {
-                const hyperlink = escapeHtml(hyperlinkMatch[0]).replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
-                word = `<a href="${hyperlink}" target="_blank">${hyperlink}</a>`;
-            }
-            result += `${word} `;
-        }
-        const normalEmojiMatches = result.matchAll(/:([^:]*):/gm);
-        for (const normalEmojiMatch of normalEmojiMatches) {
-            let emoji = emojis.find(z => z[0] == normalEmojiMatch[1]);
-            if(!emoji) {
-                const discordEmoji = discordEmojis.find(z => z.replace(discordEmojiRegex, "$2") == normalEmojiMatch[1]);
-                if(discordEmoji) emoji = [discordEmoji.replace(discordEmojiRegex, "$2"), discordEmoji.replace(discordEmojiRegex, "<$1:a:$3>").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")];
-            }
-            if(emoji) {
-                result = result.replace(":"+emoji[0]+":", emoji[1])
-            }
-        }
+    const proxied = new Proxy(chatComponent.sendChatMessage, {
+        apply: async function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
+            let result = chatComponent.input.value
+            const normalEmojiMatches = result.matchAll(/(?<!&lt;)(?<!<):([a-z0-9A-Z]*):/gm);
-        const emojiMatches = result.matchAll(discordEmojiRegexWeb);
-        for (const emojiMatch of emojiMatches) {
-            console.log(emojiMatch)
-            const isGif = emojiMatch[1] === "a";
-            const emojiId = emojiMatch[3];
-            result = result.replace(
-                emojiMatch[0],
-                `<img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/${emojiId}.${isGif ? "gif" : "png"}" alt="emoji" />`
-            );
+            for (const normalEmojiMatch of normalEmojiMatches) {
+                let emoji = emojis.find(z => z[0] == normalEmojiMatch[1]);
+                if(emoji) {
+                    result = result.replaceAll(":"+emoji[0]+":", emoji[1])
+                }
+            }
+            chatComponent.input.value = result;
+            return target();
-        return result;
-    }
+    });
+    chatComponent.sendChatMessage = proxied;
\ No newline at end of file