import EventEmitter from "events"; import * as net from "net"; import * as dgram from "dgram"; import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import type TypedEmitter from "typed-emitter"; type Events = { error: (error: Error) => void; auth: () => void; response: (response: string) => void; connect: () => void; end: () => void; done: () => void; }; export const PacketType = { COMMAND: 0x02, AUTH: 0x03, RESPONSE_VALUE: 0x00, RESPONSE_AUTH: 0x02, }; interface Options { tcp?: boolean; challenge?: boolean; id?: number; } export class Rcon extends (EventEmitter as new () => TypedEmitter) { private host: string; private port: number; private password: string; private rconId: number; private hasAuthed: boolean; private outstandingData: Uint8Array | null; private tcp: boolean; private challenge: boolean; private _challengeToken: string; private _tcpSocket!: net.Socket; private _udpSocket!: dgram.Socket; constructor(host: string, port: number, password: string, options?: Options) { super(); options = options || {}; = host; this.port = port; this.password = password; this.rconId = || 0x0012d4a6; // This is arbitrary in most cases this.hasAuthed = false; this.outstandingData = null; this.tcp = options.tcp ? options.tcp : true; this.challenge = options.challenge ? options.challenge : true; this._challengeToken = ""; } public send = (data: string, cmd?: number, id?: number): void => { let sendBuf: Buffer; if (this.tcp) { cmd = cmd || PacketType.COMMAND; id = id || this.rconId; const length = Buffer.byteLength(data); sendBuf = Buffer.alloc(length + 14); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(length + 10, 0); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(id, 4); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(cmd, 8); sendBuf.write(data, 12); sendBuf.writeInt16LE(0, length + 12); } else { if (this.challenge && !this._challengeToken) { this.emit("error", new Error("Not authenticated")); return; } let str = "rcon "; if (this._challengeToken) str += this._challengeToken + " "; if (this.password) str += this.password + " "; str += data + "\n"; sendBuf = Buffer.alloc(4 + Buffer.byteLength(str)); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(-1, 0); sendBuf.write(str, 4); } this._sendSocket(sendBuf); }; private _sendSocket = (buf: Buffer) => { if (this._tcpSocket) { this._tcpSocket.write(buf.toString("binary"), "binary"); } else if (this._udpSocket) { this._udpSocket.send(buf, 0, buf.length, this.port,; } }; public connect = (): void => { if (this.tcp) { this._tcpSocket = net.createConnection(this.port,; this._tcpSocket .on("data", (data) => { this._tcpSocketOnData(data); }) .on("connect", () => { this.socketOnConnect(); }) .on("error", (err) => { this.emit("error", err); }) .on("end", () => { this.socketOnEnd(); }); } else { this._udpSocket = dgram.createSocket("udp4"); this._udpSocket .on("message", (data) => { this._udpSocketOnData(data); }) .on("listening", () => { this.socketOnConnect(); }) .on("error", (err) => { this.emit("error", err); }) .on("close", () => { this.socketOnEnd(); }); this._udpSocket.bind(0); } }; public disconnect = (): void => { if (this._tcpSocket) this._tcpSocket.end(); if (this._udpSocket) this._udpSocket.close(); }; public setTimeout = (timeout: number, callback: () => void): void => { if (!this._tcpSocket) return; this._tcpSocket.setTimeout(timeout, () => { this._tcpSocket.end(); if (callback) callback(); }); }; private _udpSocketOnData = (data: Buffer) => { const a = data.readUInt32LE(0); if (a === 0xffffffff) { const str = data.toString("utf-8", 4); const tokens = str.split(" "); if ( tokens.length === 3 && tokens[0] === "challenge" && tokens[1] === "rcon" ) { this._challengeToken = tokens[2] .substring(0, tokens[2].length - 1) .trim(); this.hasAuthed = true; this.emit("auth"); } else { this.emit("response", str.substring(1, str.length - 2)); } } else { this.emit("error", new Error("Received malformed packet")); } }; private _tcpSocketOnData = (data: Buffer) => { if (this.outstandingData != null) { data = Buffer.concat( [this.outstandingData, data], this.outstandingData.length + data.length ); this.outstandingData = null; } while (data.length) { const len = data.readInt32LE(0); if (!len) return; const id = data.readInt32LE(4); const type = data.readInt32LE(8); if (len >= 10 && data.length >= len + 4) { if (id === this.rconId) { if (!this.hasAuthed && type === PacketType.RESPONSE_AUTH) { this.hasAuthed = true; this.emit("auth"); } else if (type === PacketType.RESPONSE_VALUE) { // Read just the body of the packet (truncate the last null byte) // See for details let str = data.toString("utf8", 12, 12 + len - 10); if (str.charAt(str.length - 1) === "\n") { // Emit the response without the newline. str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1); } this.emit("response", str); } } else { this.emit("error", new Error("Authentication failed")); } data = data.slice(12 + len - 8); } else { // Keep a reference to the chunk if it doesn't represent a full packet this.outstandingData = data; break; } } }; public socketOnConnect = (): void => { this.emit("connect"); if (this.tcp) { this.send(this.password, PacketType.AUTH); } else if (this.challenge) { const str = "challenge rcon\n"; const sendBuf = Buffer.alloc(str.length + 4); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(-1, 0); sendBuf.write(str, 4); this._sendSocket(sendBuf); } else { const sendBuf = Buffer.alloc(5); sendBuf.writeInt32LE(-1, 0); sendBuf.writeUInt8(0, 4); this._sendSocket(sendBuf); this.hasAuthed = true; this.emit("auth"); } }; public socketOnEnd = (): void => { this.emit("end"); this.hasAuthed = false; }; }